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        Welcome Wuxi Dibao Applied Materials Hi-tech Co., Ltd.
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        High Mn Steel Wire
        No. Welding category Protective gas Specification Deposited metal main element Hardness (HRC) Characteristic Application
        DB-110 Self shield 1.6,2.0,2.4,2.8 C,Mn,Si,Cr,Ni 18-22 The weld metal is austenitic high manganese steel with high toughness and rapid increase in hardness under high impact. Used for repair and surfacing of manganese steel. Crusher, hammer head, crusher roller, rail rail, impact rod, pliers
        DB-120 Self shield 1.6,2.0,2.4,2.8 C,Mn,Si,Cr,Ni 18-22 The weld metal is austenitic high manganese steel with high toughness and rapid increase in hardness under high impact. Used for repair and surfacing of manganese steel and general carbon steel. Crusher, hammerhead, crusher roller, rail rail center, impact rod, clamp, roller press buffer
        DB-1995 Self shield 1.6,2.0,2.4,2.8 C,Mn,Si,Cr,Ni The welding metal is austenitic steel with good crack resistance, easy work hardening and no magnetism. Suitable for welding manganese steel and carbon steel castings or forgings. The bottom of the roller press, the bottom layer of the composite roll of carbon steel or alloy steel
        DB-110Tic Self shield or gas protection mixed composition 1.6,2.0,2.4,2.8 C,Mn,Si,Cr,Ti 38-42 after welding, 56-60 after work hardening Titanium carbide is evenly distributed in the austenitic manganese steel matrix. The weld metal has impact resistance and high wear resistance. Crusher, hammerhead, crusher roller
