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        Welcome Wuxi Dibao Applied Materials Hi-tech Co., Ltd.
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        Nickel-based Welding Wire
        No. Welding category Protective gas Specification (mm) Deposited metal main element Single layer hardness (HRC) Characteristic Application
        DB-Ni40 MIG Argon or mixed gas 1.2,1.6 C,Cr,Si,B          Ni 38-42 Excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance, and excellent resistance to low stress abrasive wear and adhesive wear Screw feeder, core, etc.
        DB-Ni50 MIG Argon or mixed gas 1.2,1.6 C,Cr,Si,Mo,B   Ni 48-52 Excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance, and excellent resistance to low stress abrasive wear and adhesive wear Punches, valves, plungers, oil industry fittings
        DB-Ni55 MIG Argon or mixed gas 1.2,1.6 C,Cr,Si,Mo,B   Ni 53-57 Excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance, and excellent resistance to low stress abrasive wear and adhesive wear Abrasives, cams, plungers and exhaust valves
        DB-Ni60 MIG Argon or mixed gas 1.2,1.6 C,Cr,Si,M,B     Ni 58-62 Excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance, and excellent resistance to low stress abrasive wear and adhesive wear Plunger, valve, pump blade, screw
        DB-C276 MIG Argon or mixed gas 1.6 C,Mn,Si,Cr,B,W,Ni 52 Excellent high temperature wear resistance, excellent durability and severe wear resistance, good corrosion resistance in low temperature / medium temperature hydrochloric acid Application: moisture resistant chlorine, petrochemical, pulp and paper
